How Not to be a Jerk to Your Foreign Language Teacher – World Teachers’ Day

October 5th, is World Teachers’ Day. When I set out to write this I was really just looking to express my regrets about being part of the bullying of a foreign language teacher who came to my high school when I was at the worst of ages. I didn’t realize that there is such a…
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10 Weird or Endangered Languages You’ve Never Heard Of

Sometimes it feels like we spend a lot of time talking about languages that everyone knows about. Your biggies. Your French, German, English, Korean etc. But if only a tiny fraction of the world’s languages make up for more than half of it’s population, we must be missing something. Amid these throngs of dominant state…
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International Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Origins O’ Pirate Speak

Avast me hearties! September 19th be International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Talk Like a Pirate Day is a “parody holiday” on which everyone, everywhere, is instructed to, well, talk like a pirate. Go figure. However, it has taken the Internet by storm lately, and the population in general since it was created in 1995.…
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Indigenous Siberia: the Chukchi Language

A few years ago I ended up composing this tiny little “article” about the Chukchi language and people. It was one of my first articles and it’s just about as God-awful as you’d expect. To show you just how awful, I’ve taken a screenshot of the article and published it here as an image…  …
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My Review of Drops Language Learning App

It’s not every day that I come across a new language learning app that I actually like, and I’ve done a lot of product reviews lately – something I kinda swore off several months ago. What can I say, I’m being retro. In any case, several weekends ago, I was lying in bed after an…
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Duolingo vs Memrise: The Best Language Learning Program

As is the nature of technology, a lot of things have changed since I last wrote product reviews or discussed my experiences with language learning apps or software and Duolingo vs Memrise is one of those toss-up questions everyone seems to have. A few years ago I wrote reviews of both Memrise and Duolingo –…
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