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Updated December 2021

Status: under construction


FAQs for employers:

When this jobs portal launches, you’ll be able to find talent with a specific interest in the work that you do. Language companies of all sort, be they translation agencies, learning app developers, schools, or anyone else looking to hire a lover of language will be able to access a highly targeted audience of LATG readers and followers.


Q: When can I start listing jobs?

A: Right now, but with limited exposure. In order to help with development, you can start immediately by sending an email to info@latg.org. You can include the jobs you wish to have posted as an attachment and they will be published manually. In the future, this process will be something you can largely manage independently via your own account. Please include:

  • Job title
  • Job type (Full time, part time, internship, temporary, etc).
  • City and country (and/or global/remote)
  • Thorough job description including company information, list of responsibilities, qualifications, and any other relevant information if desired (i.e benefits).
  • Links to your site’s career page or application pages.
  • Application contact email
  • Company logo (optional – strongly encouraged)
  • Salary information (optional).
  • Any other relevant information you wish to include (i.e, Twitter handle, LinkedIn page, etc).

Alternatively, for now, you can simply include a link to your careers page and we’ll take care of it ourselves. This is not preferred, though, as your visual preferences may not be taken into account.

Remember that the website is currently unreliable, under constant change, and may go offline periodically, thus listings will be free during development.


Q: Will I get a user account?

A: Yes. In the future, when the website is launched in full and a payment model has been implemented, employers will have access to private accounts with a job management dashboard where you can upload new jobs, mark jobs as filled, and keep up on your subscription without having to send emails. This feature is not yet active, so LATG will be listing jobs manually for the time being. Please contact LATG at info@latg.org to submit current job posts for free.


Q: Are my company’s job listings free or paid?

A: Listings will be free throughout the website’s construction phase, the length of which has not yet been determined. The payment model has not yet been determined.


Q: How will payments work?

A: This has yet to be fully determined, but the payment plan will likely be based on a tiered system that also includes additional/premium features such as featured listings and site-wide job advertising.


Q: How long will it take to finish development?

A: The goal is to have the site fully developed and open for business in summer 2022. At first, paid listings and account creation will be rolled out gradually for some users and existing listings will remain free until their expiration dates. Employers will be informed well in advance. To stay up to date on the development process, please subscribe to the LATG newsletter and tick the checkbox.


Q: What type of jobs are accepted?

A: This site and its jobs board are dedicated to helping people find opportunities in linguistics and language-related industries. These generally include things from teaching opportunities, translation or interpreting work, academic positions or openings with companies that develop language learning products, but any company with a relevant position is welcome to apply. If you are uncertain, please don’t hesitate to send an email to info@latg.org!


Q: How long will it take for my job listing to be published?

A: Currently, to ensure quality and relevance, all posts are manually approved by administration. Therefore, depending on load, this can result in wait times of up to 48 hours, but should be processed in fewer than 24.


Q: For how long is a listing valid?

A: The standard listing duration is 30 days. Once a payment model is implemented, other options will likely become available. Currently, free posts will be renewed automatically until the site is complete or LATG is informed that they should be removed.


Q: I filled one of my positions, what do I do now?

A: Once employer accounts are created, the option to de-list or mark a listing as filled will be available on user dashboards. An automated notification system informing account holders is in (very) early development. Once complete, it will send a message via email to account managers that their listing(s) will soon expire. In the meantime, listed jobs expire automatically after 30 days, but you are also welcome to contact LATG via email and have listings removed.


Q: What about internships?

A: Employers are able to select job types, including internships. Titles and descriptions should always include information indicating that the position is an internship.


Q: I want to publish jobs in my local language

A: At the moment, all submissions must be written in English or include an English translation alongside another language. The hope is to change this in the future to create a truly global opportunities marketplace, but baby steps are in order. If your job requires a specific language, please make sure to note that in the description. We’re working to develop language filters.


Q: My company is searching for freelancers

A: This is also fine as long as it is clear to job seekers that the position is freelance. In the distant future, LATG may also create a space for freelancers to create their own profiles, but this is not currently under development.


Q: You said something about a public profile?

A: Yes! To provide an in-depth overview of your company, including social media links, relevant info, and a list of your company’s openings, companies will be encouraged to use public profile pages. You will have the option to make this page private if desired. Please contact info@latg.org if you’re interested in creating a user account early during the development phase.


Q: I’m with a large, international company and we have a lot of jobs to post. How can we make that work?

A: The uploading system does allow for job cloning that allows creators to duplicate an existing job and make small adjustments while retaining the bulk of the listing information (company details, etc). Please get in touch at info@latg.org. We hope to implement batch uploading in the future.



For job seekers:


Q: This site isn’t working, what’s going on?

A: The site isn’t really ready yet. If it were software, this would be the alpha. It’s live for testing development, but still has a ways to go. In the meantime, it will probably behave strangely, look funny, change a lot, and even go offline periodically. Also, it takes time to populate a fresh jobs board.


Q: Is it free?

A: It will be free for users to access jobs boards and employer profiles. There are no current plans to create some form of premium account in the future, but regardless, the ability to view the main jobs board won’t change.


Q: When will the jobs marketplace be available to me?

A: Technically, it already is. We’re still spreading the word, so listings are coming in slowly and are being uploaded manually. If you know of job openings that would be a great fit for this site, please don’t hesitate to send an email to info@latg.org or direct them here! In the meantime, don’t be surprised to see test jobs such as “Unicorn Wrangler” or “Space Cactus Trimmer”.


Q: Do I have to make a user account or subscribe to a mailing list?

A: Nope! Just take a look around and if you find an interesting opportunity, check it out! If you want to subscribe to the newsletter, nobody is going to stop you!


Q: Do I apply for jobs through Languages Around the Globe?

A: No. LATG will function only as an opportunities board. Job listings will feature contact information and web links. No CVs, applications, or user accounts will be added in the foreseeable future.


Q: Do you handle CVs/resumes or any other applicant data? 

A: No. LATG collects zero personal files or information with the exception of standard website traffic data, which is not used to identify you and is not passed along to anyone. For more information about that, you can view the general LATG privacy policy here. This could change in the distant future, but there are no plans to do so at this point.


Q: I’m a freelancer, can you do something for me?

A: Some day, LATG would like to create a space for freelancers in language industries to create and promote public profiles. This is not currently under development, but employers are encouraged to also list freelance opportunities, so keep your eyes open!


Q: Will you feature jobs from my country?

A: The goal is to make this jobs board into a truly global marketplace, and companies are welcome to post jobs for openings in any country they choose. That said, due to the global pandemic, we are emphasizing remote opportunities at this time.