Guest Posting for People Who Don’t Suck at Guest Posting

This is my third whack at a guest writer info page, but nobody seems to want to read them or give a shit about their contents, so I’m trying to make this increasingly simple.


1. 90% of guest proposals are not as unique as their writers think they are. Don’t be like 90% of guest proposals; send me an email.

2. Make my readers smarter.

3. If your content isn’t long, in-depth, filled with mixed media, charts, pictures, neon lights and strippers it’s probably boring AF and you can do better. I hate giving out numbers, but go for at least 2,000 words. More is strongly encouraged.

4. If you represent a company that sells essays to rich, lazy college kids, your work is meaningless to me and I hope your hair melts in an ultimately harmless but otherwise horribly embarrassing halogen lightbulb accident.1

5. Be yourself – not the company branding monkey you’re paid to be. If that’s what you’re looking for, try going here instead.


There more things, but if you can get past these pretty standard ones, we can probably work past those ones.
